- Remove windows messenger from WinXP one forever
Go to Run box and type next:
runDll32 advpack.dll, LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\ msmsgs.inf,
BLC.Remove - Disable XP Error Reporting
Right click on MyComputer choose Properties
In System Properties click on Advenced
In Advenced click on Error Reporting
Check "Disable error reporting"
Leave unchecked field "But notify me when critical errors occur" - Hide 'User Accounts' from users
Go to Start/Run, and type: GPEDIT.MSC
Open the path
User Config > Admin Templates > Control Panel
doubleclick "Hide specified Control Panel applets"
put a dot in 'enabled', then click 'Show"
click Add button,
type "nusrmgt.cpl" into the add box - Create Your Own Logon Message
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
In the Registry Editor, drill down to the following key:
NT\CurrentVersion\ Winlogon
Right-click LegalNoticeCaption, click Modify, type My Windows XP
Machine, and then click OK.
Right-click LegalNoticeText, click Modify, and then type your
Close the editor and your new message will appear at every log on.
This tip applies to computers that are part of a domain. For stand-
alone or peer-to-peer networks, the custom screen appears just
before the Welcome screen. - Disable balloon tips
Run regedit and Navigate to Key:
HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentV ersion
then set the value of 'EnableBalloonTips' to 0. - Create your own popup menu in the taskbar
You can create your own popup window other than START MENU in the
Put all the shortcuts to the applications that you want to popup in
a folder.
Then you right click on taskbar ->toolbars ->new toolbar -> and
select the folder - Reset Your Password On XP
- Restart you computer
- When booting, press F8 and select "Safe Mode"
- After getting to the user menu. Click on a user and this time it will not ask you for a password
- Go to Start>Run and type "CMD" (without the quotes).
- At command prompt type in "cd C:WindowsSystem32" (without the quotes), I am assuming C is your System/Windows Drive
- For safety purposes first make a backup of your Logon.Scr file.. You can do this by typing in "Copy to Logon.scr to Logon.bak" (without the quotes)
- Then type "copy CMD.EXE Logon.scr"(without the quotes)
- Then type this command, I will assume that you want to set Administrator' s password to "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)
- Now, type this in (I am assuming that you are still in the directory C:WindowsSystem32) , "net user administrator MyNewPass" without the quotes
- You will get a message saying that it was successful, this means Administrator' s new password is "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)
- Restart the PC and you will login as Administrator (or whatever you chose to reset) with your chosen password
Customize XP
Daftar Isi
- Memproteksi folder dengan password
- Memproteksi file
- Memperkecil ukuran icon desktop
- Mempercepat waktu Boot
- Mempercepat tampilan pada menu
- Mempercepat tampilan dekstop
- Mempercepat Shutdown Windows XP
- Mempercepat Restart
- Mempercepat Proses defrag dan scandisk
- Mempercepat Performa Swapfile
- Mempercepat Loading Windows Menu
- Mempercepat Loading Program
- Mempercepat akses Folder
- Memperbaiki Windows XP Tanpa Install Ulang
- Memodifikasi context menu pada Recycle Bin
- 10 tips to keep your computer running smoothly
- Membuka link pada window baru
- Membuat folder yang tersembunyi
- Membuat Booting Windows XP Lebih Cepat
- Membersihkan RAM tanpa restart
- Membersihkan Desktop
- Melindungi Mata dari Radiasi Komputer
- Make XP load frequently used programs in quickly
- Lebih cepat menghapus tanpa melewati Recycle Bin
- Install Windows XP Dengan Flash Disk
- Install font dengan cepat
- Gagal menghapus file
- Disable klik kanan pada Taskbar
- Disable klik kanan pada Dekstop & Windows Explorer
- Customizing Windows Explorer Context menu
- Customize XP
- Cara mudah membersihkan PC
- Cara cepat menghapus recent document
- Mencegah Serangan Virus Komputer
- 17 Cara Memperbaiki Kinerja Komputer
- 13 Cara Pengaturan File dan Folder
- 11 Langkah Menghiasi Desktop
- Menambah menu Explore From Here
- Menampilkan Message Saat Logon
- Mencegah Penggantian Display Properties
- Mencegah perintah Shut Down
- Mencetak daftar file pd folder
- Men-disable DOS
- Menempatkan teks pada systray
- Menentukan ukuran file swap
- Mengatur Virtual Memory
- Mengcopy dari Dos Prompt
- Siapa saja yang terhubung dengan komputer kita?
- Mengganti icon drive
- Mengganti icon drive A
- Mengganti icon Recycle Bin
- Mengganti Name Computer dan Organization
- Menghemat Bandwidth Internet
- Menghilangkan Drive Komputer
- Menghilangkan Icon Network Neigborhood
- Menghilangkan panah pada shortcut
- Menghilangkan Start Banner
- Mengoptimalkan database registry
- Mengoptimalkan Windows Vista
- Lock your XP workstation with two clicks
- Meningkatan Performa Internet dan Jaringan
- Meningkatkan Kemampuan Firefox 3.xx
- Meningkatkan Performa Komputer
- Menonaktifkan menu pribadi
- Me-non-aktifkan Microsoft System Sounds
- Menonaktifkan sound events Windows
- Menuliskan nama di Taskbar
- Menyelamatkan Data di My Documents
- Menyembunyikan Menu Control Panel
- Menyembunyikan menu Folder Options
- Menyembunyikan menu Taskbar
- Meratakan teks pada Drop Down Menu
- Merawat PC
- Overclock
- Perbaiki Aliran Udara dalam Casing
- Percepat Booting dan Ringankan beban CPU
- Pesan di awal start-up
- Protect File dan Folder
- Reboot tanpa loading
- Reload registry dengan cepat
- Removing Log Off Username from the Start Menu
- Restoring Your Registry
- Shortcut dan folder tanpa nama
- Shortcut ke pengaturan system
- Shortcut untuk Log Off
- Shortcut untuk Restart
- Shortcut untuk Shutdown
- Showing the Windows Version on the Desktop
- Spesial untuk Windows 98 dan ME
- Startup Tanpa Program Startup
- The Screets Windows keys
- Upgrade Processor